

GRAPHICS - miniml | fonts

miniml | fonts One of the original makers of flash pixel fonts. When using these fonts in flash 5 or older, lock-down the upper left corner of the font's bounding box to an exact pixel. If you don't, they start looking all fuzzy. Any justification other than LEFT justification to the text will make the font look fuzzy. If you embed the font into a movie clip, the font's upper left corner of it's bounding box NEEDS to be locked down to a pixel inside the movie clip. The movie clip's upper left bounding box MUST to be locked down to a pixel on the root timeline. Scaling the font or the MC containing the font will make the text look fuzzy. I'll say it again, Scaling the font or the MC containing the font will make the text look fuzzy. Unexplained fuzzy text appears many times in my projects. It drives me nuts when I check all of the anchor points and find that everything is exactly on a pixel. Not 4.3, 4.6, 4.8, just 4.0. Then I check the scaling and see that the dimensions of the movie clip or text is 100% x 99.9%. This can happen sometimes when moving an MC and grabbing a scaling anchor by mistake. Other times it could be just magic, but it happens.

Those are all of the problems I've had. Download & have fun

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