

TECH - Interview with Scott Sigler: Author of "Earthcore" podcast novel


  • "Business Thoughts: Tell us about you and the "world's first podcast
    book" EarthCore!

    Scott Sigler: I've been writing for about seven years. I originally landed EarthCore with AOL/TimeWarner and the book was due in stores in April of 2002. Unfortunately, the 9/11 recession hit AOL/TW pretty hard and they scrapped a lot of projects, including EarthCore. The book was tied up contractually for a couple of years - AOL/TW didn't want it, and didn't have the staff to process all the legal work, so it kind of languished in limbo until my agent could get it free and clear. Since then, we haven't been able to find a publisher. So when I discovered Podcasting, it seemed like a great way to create a brand name as a writer and entertain some people. I had no idea it would get as big as it has; it's been a ball...

    I've been listening while commuting for a couple of weeks and I'm hooked. It's about a mysterious mountain that hides a deadly secret that no one can seem to stay away from, at least until they get hacked into little pieces. Scary and entertaining, and surprisingly, full of tech.

    1 comment:

    Scott Sigler said...

    Wow, thanks for posting a comment on EarthCore. I hpoe you continue to enjoy the story.

    -Scott Sigler-