

CULTURE - Driving in NJ - Proposal to Ban Smoking In Your Car

  • New Jersey Legislator Wants to Ban Smoking in Your Car

  • New Jersey legislator proposes $250 ticket for smoking while driving. Lighting up while driving would become a crime if legislation proposed by New Jersey Assemblyman John McKeon (D-Essex) makes it into law. Assembly bill 4306 would allow police to issue an extra $250 ticket to a smoking motorist who is pulled over for a primary offense such as speeding. The bill has the heavyweight support of the Assembly's majority leader, Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen) and has been referred to the Assembly's Transportation Committee for consideration. Anybody else think this is ridiculous?


    Anonymous said...

    nah. you addicts shouldnt be smoking in the first place

    Anonymous said...

    impeach Assemblywoman Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen. for this law
    CULTURE - Driving in NJ - Proposal to Ban Smoking In Your Car"

    Anonymous said...

    why go after smokers they should be going after sex offenders not smokers

    Anonymous said...

    Great... more fodder for jokes about NJ. What next, illegal to read the guages? Later, a felony sneeze? If this passes, I will try to get pulled over with candy cigarettes at every opportunity!

    Anonymous said...

    Does anyone else think government is more and more out of control? I'm sure they will soon ban chocolate donuts, which were recently found to be the deadliest food in the nation. And, whatever you do, DON'T DRIVE into a doughnut shop, especially while smoking!!! There will be no possibility of parole for this.