

TECH - a Web Word Processor that many can use at once

  • writely

  • If you like writing but can't afford a quality word processor because you dropped all your loot on bandwidth, then I would recommend Writely. It's a cross platform app that loads in from the web instead of your hardrive and two of my favorite features is it's free and that you can give access to your document by just adding them to a list. Once they have access, they can also modify the document. Great for group writing for stuff that requires such things.

    Official Description:
    · Nothing to download -- your browser is all you need.
    · Collaborate just by entering people's e-mail addresses.
    · Publish on the web or post to your blog with a click.
    · Pick exactly who can access your documents.
    · Upload from Word/OpenOffice & save to your desktop.
    · Edit your documents anytime, from anywhere.

    Would this be, how you say, "web 2.0"?


    TECH - Dreamstation Video Game Show podcast

  • Dreamstation

  • Todays STANLY is the Dreamstation Video Game Show. I've been meaning to blog this for a while now, but failed my last three attempts because of bad "copy/paste" skills. Since I've spent a lot of time trying to find a good quality video game show, I can honestly say that these guys are by far the best. It might be because they are all older than 13 but more than likely it's because they are well informed, do the show for fun, and have a great time doing it. Some of my favorite segments are the weekly rants on Florida Lawyer, video game opponent and all round nut-case, Jack Thompson, who they refer to as "Bumblefoot" (since they don't want to give him any more attention than he deserves) and another ongoing segment is "Video Game Death" where they report on how somewhere in the world, someone died a video game related death. There are also tons of inside jokes that carry over from week to week that just seem to get funnier each time you hear them. I'd write more but I have to go to Home Despot to pick up some felt padding, some duct tape and a torch wrench (don't ask)

    Official Description: The Video Game Show is a weekly podcast bringing you the latest PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, PSP, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, PC, PS3, Nintendo Revolution, Xbox 360, and other video game news, reviews, interviews, rumors, rants, and more.

    Don't be a fool, subscribe and enjoy!

    MUSIC - sweet free album with PSP magazine download

  • Kill Your FM

  • "Kill Your FM" is an electronic 'zine for the PSP that covers new music. The benny is that you don't need a PSP to enjoy the free music that goes along with it. The mag is a series of images (JPEGS) but that can be read on any computer update: the images are formatted for the PSP to be read with the PSP turned on it's side, as a result, the images on your computer look sideways and the music (mp3) is holed up in a seperate folder that you can enjoy in any player. The tunes range from punk, hardcore, hip hop and more. Here's the official description for this issue:

    82 packed pages of quality music journalism and awesome aesthetics, including:

    -Interview w/ Derek Sivers, creator of
    -The Thieves: Prophets In The Cathedral Of Rock?
    -FM Killers: Pandora & 15 Megs Of Fame
    -1920’s Jazz vs. Modern Day Hardcore: More similarities than you think!
    -Happy Birthday! The MP3 Turns 10
    -A Popular Donkey, Episode III (and a whole lot more)

    And of course, excellent indie rock, hard rock, and hip hop tracks from the bands we feature! Free, and legal.

    I’ll let the issue do the rest of the talking. Major thanks to the entire staff for helping me crank this one out. Please enjoy, and leave feedback!

    download and enjoy!


    TECH - podcasts - ANCESTOR podio book


  • After speaking to a bunch of folks about podcasting, I've discovered that the biggest problem people have with this new medium is finding good quality podcasts to listen to. I've decided to start bloggin the podcasts I've found and really like. I'll call this, the Podcasts I Really Like or STANLY for short". Todays STANLY is ANCESTOR! it's a podiobook read by the author, Scott Sigler. A sci-fi thriller about biotech gone terribly wrong. It starts off with a bunch of scientists trying to home grow organs for those in need of a replacement, then it quickly turns into Alien with cows. The science is deep but not baffling and the pace is zippy, even in the slow sections. He releases a chapter once a week, every Sunday or Monday night. and each chapter times out to be about 45 minutes long. Subscribe and enjoy.


    ANIMATION - Spidy Battles Doc Oc in legovision (stop animation)

  • Spider-Man: The Peril of Doc Ock (2004)

  • This is possibly the best, if not only, lego stop motion animation I've witnessed to date. The comedy that comes across with these lego blocks is quite amazing and the the shots are simply cinematic. The accompanying music is also excellent. Done by Spite Your Face Productions Ltd, commisioned by Sony Pictures/Marvel Studios/The Lego Group to accompany the release of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2. Watch Spidey and doc Oc battle it out in a giant New York City made of legos!

    VIDEO GAMES - real life video interpretation of mortal kombat

  • Mortal Kombat LA PELICULA

  • These two knuckle-heads did an excellent job of recreating the classic Mortal Kombat video game in real life video, sans game, complete with floaty power bars and faux fatality!


    VIDEO GAMES - Play PSP online with Tunneling Software

  • Tunneling Into PSP

  • IGN explains "Tunneling, for those who have never had to resort to desperate measures in order to play great multiplayer games like the first Halo or Mario Kart: Double Dash online, is a system where a home PC acts as a middleman between your game system and the internet. It intercepts from the game the LAN (or, in this case, wireless LAN) signal on the PC and sends it across the internet to another player using the same tunneling software for his game. With such a system, players would be able to unofficially play any multiplayer PSP title with WiFi LAN multiplayer online against any other player with the same system. Kai (the XLink software) even features a buddy list and other features for finding other tunneled players to game against. It's not quite the same as the online plan that Sony's hoping to use (the official solution would allow players to play anywhere, since their servers would be hosting the game -- with tunnels, players would have to be near or in WiFi range of their LAN-running computer with the tunnel software), but it's worked with other consoles in the past, and as of this writing, there isn't much reason to expect tunneling with PSP not to work."

    Ken Edwards says"Not only is there a Windows Kai client, but they have Mac OSX Terminal and GUI versions as well. "

    Ken's article has the links necessary to get you started. Mac users be forwarned, unless you have an Airport Extreme to make it all work, your boned.


    ANIMATION - insanely twisted superstitials

  • insanely twisted

  • Michel Gagne says "Here is the first series of interstitials featuring "Insanely Twisted Shadow Puppets" that I created for Nickelodeon's 2005 "Halloween Shriekin Weekend". These are the "Director's Cuts" and are not necessarily the ones shown on the network. All the spots were completely animated in Flash. No other software was used for the animation."

    I've checked these out and can honestly say that they are sweet, and when I say sweet, I mean awesome.

    TECH - RSS feeder for your iPod

  • Pod2Go

  • If you've ever had a palm device and used AvantGo, you'll immediately know what this new software does. If not, then basically, Pod2go allows you to select a bunch of text content from the web and have it dumped onto your iPod for future reading.

    Once you open the software for the first time, you can set your own RSS feeds or select a bunch of feeds from a pre-existing list that Pod2go supplies. The list is comprised of RSS feeds broken down into various categories such as news, weather, horoscopes, gas prices, directions... You can also set any text docs from your hard drive to appear in your iPod and Pod2go will create a iPod compatible version of your text doc and automatically stick it onto your iPod during the next sync. It's pretty slick in howit does this. The iPod "notes reader" app has some limited html functionality built into it. Pod2go takes advantage of this and prepares a new directory in your "notes" folder then dumps text files into. If a text file exceeds 4k (the limit a note can be on the iPod) Pod2go will break it up into one or more files and link them together using "Next" and "Previous". Simple but effective.

    Besides keeping me company while giving birth to a food baby, another great feature is that you can have your safari bookmarks synced up to the iPod as well. This comes in handy for when I'm at work and can't exactly remember link I found the previous night. I just connect the iPod to my computer and pull the link from there.

    TECH - Headphone Ear Protection Hack

  • headphone hack

  • This low-tech hack requires only the smallest bit of knowledge about wiring and absolutely no expertise beyond that whatsoever. The completed product is a combination of earmuff style ear protectors and audio headphones, allowing the user to listen to music or any other audio imput with hearing protection (I hook it up to my iPod or a guitar player's output feed to I can sinc up to the music while drumming). This is useful for mowing the lawn, or working on a project the requires both ear protection and background tunes. (Check the link for instructions)

    At first I thought this was a silly thing to do, until I realized that I spend upwards of 6 hours a weekend annoying my neighbors with noisy lawn equipment and making myself deaf in the process. I had a pair of ear protectors lying around and a decent pair of behind-the-ear sony headphones I no longer used. I also had a real old pair of broken hi-fi system headphones from the mid 70's that I could never use because it had a gigantor plug that didn't fit not any of my music players. It had sweet head padding across the top of the set as well as some shiny hole grommets that came in useful for putting together my version of the hacked headphones. I ripped apart the two existing headphones. I used the speakers and the wires from the sony and the padding and grommets from the oldy-timers. I drilled holes into the ear protectors, removed the padding, soldered up some wire and crammed everything together. Because of the padding, I was able to snake the wire from one ear cup across the top, to the other ear cup which allowed me to have only one wire dangling down to the mp3 player which makes the new earmuffs surprisingly tangle-free.

    How do they work? Pretty good. The actual speakers sit about an inch and a half from the ear inside the padded cup so they don't really crank, but because of all of the padding inside of the ear-protectors, they don't need to be loud. The ear-protectors do a great job of muffling all of the outside sound and I'm left with pleasant music. But my neighbors, they still hate me.


    WEB - word recognition turned on th thwart spam posters

    I've just been machine-spammed. I won't mention the company name since they don't deserve any advertising from me, but as a result of having to remove 15 posts from the same spammer, I've decided to turn on blogspots word recognition for posters. It's cake to deal with if your a human, but it has a tendency to baffle the machines (for now)


    OT - Pumpkin

    This is a picture of our pumpkin. I took one with the flash and with the flash off. No-flash wins. It looks much scarier that way for sure.


    OT - Scarekid

    We made a scare kid to keep the neighborhood whipper snappers from smashing our pumpkin (not shown)


    HALLOWEEN - Speed Racer: Racer X Costume

  • Speed Racer: Racer X Muscle Costume (ADULT)

  • i've got nothing to say

    TECH - OSX, album covers for your tunes in iTunes

  • Fetch-Art-for-iTunes

  • Fetch Art for iTunes is a small program that will fetch album art for one or more songs using Amazon's XML interface, allow you to preview the art that was found, and add the art you want to iTunes. The program is controlled through the iTunes Script menu: once it is installed, album art can be downloaded by selecting one or more songs in iTunes and choosing "Fetch Art" from the Script menu.

    TECH - get off the phone with these online pre recorded effects

  • sorry, gotta go!

  • saw this on rocketboom. Sorrygottago is a site that has a slew of sound effects that will get you off the phone with that chatterbox on the other line.

    ART - make skins and get paid

  • DecalGirl 10 percent

  • If you have some design skills, you could potentially earn a couple of extra bucks creating designs to be put on high quality skins which in turn get put on console games, macs and iPods. Decalgirls, creators of said said skins, says "We're actively looking for talented artists to work with to develop new and exclusive skin designs for all major consoles. If your artwork is used on one or more of our skins, we'll pay you a 10% royalty (via PayPal) on any sales of the items and provide a special "gallery" URL for you to use to promote your designs. a twelve dollar skin will get you a cool dollar twenty.

    TECH - iPod nano accessories

  • iPod nano cases roll out in force

  • An article by playlistmag has thoroughly rounded up a bunch of iPod nano cases for preventing the cute little irresistible bastards from getting all scratched up. Funky cloud cases (not shown above) green grassy textured cases, (shown above) and the article even links off to a bendy-man case, (not shown above) Links galore all up ins. If you have a nano-nano, it's well worth a read.

    VIDEO GAMES - Jack Thompson, AKA Bumblefoot, under investigation

  • Jack Thompson

  • LOL I called the FBA, and I was on hold for 20 minutes, and once I got a rep, as soon as I said Jack Thompson, she sighed loudly and goes, "Dear Lord, what has this man done? That's all we've heard today all day long!" and I told her that I had faxed a 3 page letter detailing the exact complaint, and she said that it would help alot and she will go get the fax. I'm on hold again. Awesome.

    What's all the hub-ub about? Read this ...

    Anti-game activist Jack Thompson under investigatio

    OT - wilma and cauncun

    The good news is my moms got word out that she's ok, the bad news, her town is pretty banged up. The coming weeks will tell just how bad the devastation in. With that said, on with the posts.


    FONTS - 4 free 4 u

  • free fonts from matt

  • plenty of fonts for you to download for free. at least 20. nice hand written ones too.

    INTERVIEW - Rob Kurzweil "singularity to happen by 2045"

  • Kurzweil

  • a new book called "The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology" , claims that the inexorable pace of technological development and its exponential growth will usher in the Singularity by 2045.

    VIDEO GAMES - PSP leather case

  • meritline

  • Cows are happy to know that their unwanted, soft, supple flesh will be used to wrap your PSP keeping it looking scuff free and new. Features a stylish but practical design.

    WEB - holloweens decroations instructions

  • Imagineering

  • spoooooooookey decorations to scare your neighbors out of their pants and into their hearts with these lovingly terrifying homebrew decorations. Spread the joy.


    VIDEO GAMES - Video game aesthetics

  • Video game aesthetics

  • a page full of gaming screenshots. attached to the page is an article about those screenshots. the article is long.

    ROBOT - DARPA challenge is won, $2 million goes to Stanford

  • DARPA challenge completed

  • DARPA challenge, (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is a 130 mile race through the Nevada desert by autonomous vehicles. Meaning no drivers, no remote controls. This is the second year the competition was held. In all, 23 autonomous vehicles went head-to-head over 130 miles of tough desert roads, mountain trails, dry lake beds and tunnels, using only onboard sensors and navigation equipment with no human assistance. These 23 vehicles were selected from a field of 195 teams through a series of qualifying races. Stanford took the race in 6 hours, 53 minutes, 8 seconds. Quite an accomplishment since no robot made it more than 7 miles from the starting line just last year.


    VIDEO GAMES - Virtual Reality Sphere

  • virtusphere

  • If I had a large amount of money socked away in offshore bank accounts, I'd empty them out just so I could buy one of these. Imagine fragging friends and getting exercise at the same time! Put the 3d virtual headset and climb inside this sphere, and it would be like walking on a treadmill, only you have a full 360 degrees of movement. The user wears a head-mounted display, which provides the virtual environment. Sensors under the sphere provide subject speed and direction to the computer running the simulation. Users can even interact with objects in virtual space using a special manipulator. sweet!

    TECH - MAC key commands at your fingertips

  • keycue

  • If you use a MAC, you can certainly use this. It's a simple little app that's activated by holding down the Command Key. It'll pull up all of the key commands for whatever program you are currently using. Pretty Neat.

    WEB - google easter egg

    google "failure" and click "i'm feeling lucky" thanks chriz

    ANIMATION - Robot Love

  • Starblazers

  • Starblazers was a cartoon from the early 70's about a revamped battleship on a quest to save the earth. I used to catch most episodes after school, but for some reason, I don't remember ever seeing this. IQ9 and Nova share an intimate moment while captured by the inhabitants of Beeland. One of IQ9's most heart-wrenching performances!

    DESSERT - horrific jello molds

  • Watch it squiggle

  • Mmmmmmmm... Brains! Who doesn't want the ability to gnaw on a gelatinous berry flavored brain? I know I do. And when I get a hankering for some wiggly turkey jello, I whip out my "SKS Sibley Co." demented body part molds. Perfect for the holidays and the the attention to detail is mouth-watering.

    Been Busy

    I've been pretty busy, as you can imagine, ever since we returned from vacation. So with no further ado, bizarre links...


    St. Thomas, USVI
    September 14th, 2005


    VIDEO - kennedy sings, "your mamma"

  • yourmama

  • This video is chock full of shiney, mamma lovin' discoballs and catchy lyrics. "Nobody loves you like your mamma loves you. But who's loving your mamma? I am! I am!"

    Thanks hatch for letting me know the link was broke. I fixed it and now you can enjoy the show, BTW, it's a quicktime movie and if you like the vid, check out the reel from the director to see the other cool stuff he's worked on. Also, here's a link to the official Kennedy website


    CULTURE - One Man Star Wars acted out by one man

  • one man doing all of star wars

  • Charlie Ross is performing a condensed version of the Star Wars trilogy. If you saw star wars a gazillion times, then and you will enjoy the above linked video snippet from his performance. He maniacally acts out everyones character from the choice scenes of the movies. He'll be will be appearing in Lamb's Theatre (130 W. 44th Street, New York, NY) From Aug 2nd to Oct 31st.


    TECH - subway maps for your iPod color

  • iPod iSubway iMaps

  • If you have a color iPod, and you get lost on the subway a lot, then why don't you download the damn iPod subway maps, suckuh! take your pick, Boston, MA - Chicago, IL - New York, NY - San Francisco, CA - Washington, DC - and of course, Hong Kong.

    ANIMATION - giant steps, coltrain animated

  • Giant STEPS

  • If this animation was only a little not-as-good, it would be completely and utterly amazing. Michal Levy took a classic jaz song "Giant Steps" by John Coltraine and applied some of the coolest visuals to a song I've ever seen. "Coltrane made a major break through with his album "Giant Steps" in the year 1959. It was the first time in the history of Jazz music that someone based his music on symmetrical patterns, which stemmed from a mathematical division of the musical scale.


    WWW - Rap Song Translations

  • Rap Translations

  • I like rap music much to my fiances dismay. But I don't have time to keep up on all of the new terminology that seems to arise on each and every new popular tune that comes out. Thank god then for the Rap Translation pages. These folks take popular rap songs and explain them line by line often with hilarious results.
    90, 90% grind, 10, 10% sleep. (x3) I grind so much that I hardly get sleep.
    If my day’s schedule were broken into a pie chart totaling 100%, 90% of the chart would be devoted to grinding (To perform whatever action necessary to acquire money; To sell illicit drugs.). A mere 10% would be devoted to the minimalist amount of sleep. To reinforce this fact, I will repeat it a total of 3 times during this song.

    TECH - the many different ways of shooting rubber bands

  • Rubber Warfare

  • As far as the cutting-edge bandohistorians know, rubber band shooting started only a few decades after the first half-decent rubber bands were manufactured. It was a boon to mischievous kids: the worries of the slingshot were gone. You could easily conceal the weapon, you didn't have to load it up before shooting, and the number of delivery methods provided effective warfare in any situation. Learn techniques such as the Pistol, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Jaeger Rifle, Mini-Crossbow, Sniper Rifle, Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle, Bazooka, Spear and my favorite, the Semiautomatic Pistol. The Semiautomatic Pistol method allows you to shoot up to 6 rubber bans in double fisted rapid succession.

    GAME - doom on the iPod

  • iDoom

  • If you own an iPod, you probably already know that some brainiacs have gotten a rough version of doom to run on it. If your serious about running this, it looks like your going to have to jump through a couple of hoops since the download page states... You'll need to build podzilla because Microwindows and libjpeg are required deps of nxdoom. It is playable on the Ipod photo. It "works" on 1-4G's and Mini 1G/2G

    WWW - dynamic vacation packing list

  • Universal Packing List

  • Going on vacation always catches me off guard. I'm always forgetting things that I need to bring along only to have to pick them up for twice the amount at the tourist traps after I realize I forgot them. Not this year though, The Universal Packing List generates a custom packing list for any journey. Using a series of drop-downs, you specify what type of vacation it is and where your going, and it spits out a list of stuff you need to bring along as well as stuff you should do before you go, including what types of inoculations your going to need if your going to jungle country

    GAME - PocketQuake for the pocket PC

  • pocket quake

  • I've been running Pocket quake on my Dell Axim and it runs pretty smooth. The load time isn't too bad even though I have it stored on my storage card. It even plays smoothly in landscape mode. The control takes some getting used to since I have to look around using the stylus on the screen while running and shooting using the directional button. Right now I'm just using the demo version, but If I do register, randall schleufer has created three custom maps which feature a low polycount, bright lighting, new textures and an easily navigable floorplan specifically for portable playing. It should improve performance. I'm curious to see how much of an improvement there is since I don't notice a performance hit using the default demo maps as it is.


    WWW - Evolution of the icon in Graphical User Interfaces (GUI!)

  • gooooey

  • Marcin Wichary covers 22 years of icon evolution. Covering 21 interfaces from 1981's Xerox Star, (never heard of it), to BeOS Zeta, (never heard of that either). It goes into massive detail of various icon properties such as size, style and number of colors. Great article if you remember the good-ol-days when it took three cups of coffee and a cigarette just to save a file across 9 floppies.

    WWW - Podscope searches through podcasts with voice recognition!

  • Search Podcasts with Podscope

  • A search engine for podcasts! Type your word, then podscope
    rips through and finds podcasts that contain your word using voice recognition. Then it generates a listing of small flash files with a quick sound sample so you can decide if you want to download the entire podcast or not.


    FLASH - Word Count counts popularity of words

  • Word Count

  • Word Count counts popularity of words and puts them in a looooooooooooong sliding list of descending popularity. It's a sight to behold. ("behold" ranks #19,634 out of 86,800 words in the list)


    CULTURE - combine demolition derby!

  • Combine demolition derby

  • Lind, Washington, SATURDAY, June 10, 2006 - Time to be determined, possibly 2:00 or 4:00. If watching guys crash their cars into each other is entertaining, then watching guys crash their combines into each other must be at least fours times as entertaining since they are four times as big and BONUS, they have deadly spiraling steel blades of death aggressively attached to the front of these horrific mechanical monsters. If you want to enter your combine, you must be at least 18 years of age and have a valid drivers license, oh, and a spare combine you won't mind getting a bit dinged up.

    GAME - arcade console panel art and more

  • Arcade Art

  • I've finally gotten serious and decided to move ahead and start amassing the parts I need to build my own arcade machine. I just landed a bangin' 20" monitor and now all I have to do is get EVERYTHING else. One nice thing I found is a site dedicated to old arcade cabinet art with bezels, logos, fonts, character art, instruction cards and more. A lot of the art has been redrawn in vector format so you can resize it as needed. A nice resource for the home arcade enthusiast indeed.

    FLASH - faithful reproduction of Space Invaders

  • space invaders

  • Neave has some very nice flash. He also happens to have one of the coolest borders I've ever seen on a site. He's created a pretty faithful reproduction of the 1978 classic Space Invaders built entirely in flash 5. It's a simple game with simple graphics, but it has one of the most vital assets for any computer game — game-play. Modern games seem to forget this with their fancy "3D graphics" and "millions of dollars". All you need is a pointy green thing which shoots white stuff at a rampaging invasion of wobbling blobs. They don't make 'em like they used to.

    FLASH - a collection of cute kids games

  • pfizer kids

  • Here's a collection of cute kid games for your cute kids to play with. For ages 1 to 7, they have matching games, jigsaw puzzles plus 8 more that should keep the little whipper snappers entertained for at least an hour.


    CULTURE - Grandmother Sues Rockstar Games/Take Two Interactive

  • Old Lady

  • Incognito let's loose a scathing opinion on how "F-ing stupid" an old lady was for supplying a 14 year old with a game intended for over 17 year olds and then she goes on to sue Rockstar because "it contained hidden, sexually explicit scenes..." I guess she has no problem with her 14 year old explicitly sniping the heads off of pedestrians from a rooftop. Classic!

    CULTURE - survey says, kids almost completely wired

  • Wired Kids

  • The report compiled for the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that nearly 9 of 10 youths age 12 through 17 have online access--up from about three-quarters of young people in 2000. The report goes on to say "Not only has the number of users increased, but also the variety of technologies that teens use to support their communication, research, and entertainment desires has grown.

    These technologies enable a variety of methods and channels by which youth can communicate with one another as well as with their parents and other authorities. Email, once the cutting edge “killer app,” is losing its privileged place among many teens as they express preferences for instant messaging (IM) and text messaging as ways to connect with their friends."

    WWW - Encyclopediadramatica

  • Encyclopediadramatica

  • The other night, I was mindlessly clicking around the net and found myself on what I thought was wickipedia article about england and it wasn't until i read that "The English are asymmetrical along the body, meaning that the left part is not a mirror image of the right. They do not have hardened exoskeletons, which results in horrible skin conditions. They breathe via their lungs through their permanently flared nostrils..." that I knew something wasn't right. It turns out the site is a parody site that runs off of a wickipedia engine but instead of balanced, self-correcting facts, it offers up funny bits that are intended to get a laugh. The idea behind the site was "Sparked after several people were denied from posting to"


    TECH -Bootable Linux Computer-On-a-Stick Flash Drive

  • geekzone

  • FingerGear is introducing the Computer-On-a-Stick Flash Drive. The Computer-On-a-Stick is a bootable USB 2.0 Flash Drive featuring a complete onboard Operating System.

    Based on Linux 2.6.x Kernel with Gnome GUI Desktop, the device comes in configurations with 256MB, 512MB, 1G, 2G, 4G, and 8GB.

    The device also features the OpenOffice Productivity Suite, along with many of the most commonly used desktop and Internet applications. The Computer-On-a-Stick allows users to take their entire software environment with them and move from hardware to hardware.

    The device is bootable from any PC with an x86 processor supporting USB boot. All bookmarks, address book, emails, and office documents are stored securely on the device and never leave a trace on the host PC. Users enter a login password at each session.