

TECH - a Web Word Processor that many can use at once

  • writely

  • If you like writing but can't afford a quality word processor because you dropped all your loot on bandwidth, then I would recommend Writely. It's a cross platform app that loads in from the web instead of your hardrive and two of my favorite features is it's free and that you can give access to your document by just adding them to a list. Once they have access, they can also modify the document. Great for group writing for stuff that requires such things.

    Official Description:
    · Nothing to download -- your browser is all you need.
    · Collaborate just by entering people's e-mail addresses.
    · Publish on the web or post to your blog with a click.
    · Pick exactly who can access your documents.
    · Upload from Word/OpenOffice & save to your desktop.
    · Edit your documents anytime, from anywhere.

    Would this be, how you say, "web 2.0"?

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