

MUSIC - sweet free album with PSP magazine download

  • Kill Your FM

  • "Kill Your FM" is an electronic 'zine for the PSP that covers new music. The benny is that you don't need a PSP to enjoy the free music that goes along with it. The mag is a series of images (JPEGS) but that can be read on any computer update: the images are formatted for the PSP to be read with the PSP turned on it's side, as a result, the images on your computer look sideways and the music (mp3) is holed up in a seperate folder that you can enjoy in any player. The tunes range from punk, hardcore, hip hop and more. Here's the official description for this issue:

    82 packed pages of quality music journalism and awesome aesthetics, including:

    -Interview w/ Derek Sivers, creator of
    -The Thieves: Prophets In The Cathedral Of Rock?
    -FM Killers: Pandora & 15 Megs Of Fame
    -1920’s Jazz vs. Modern Day Hardcore: More similarities than you think!
    -Happy Birthday! The MP3 Turns 10
    -A Popular Donkey, Episode III (and a whole lot more)

    And of course, excellent indie rock, hard rock, and hip hop tracks from the bands we feature! Free, and legal.

    I’ll let the issue do the rest of the talking. Major thanks to the entire staff for helping me crank this one out. Please enjoy, and leave feedback!

    download and enjoy!

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