

TECH - run Macintosh on your Pocket PC

I remember the old days of wondering why my pictures disappeared from the computer every time I shut down the machine. It took a while for me to realize that I had to save them first. My first real computer experience was with the Mac Plus so I was pretty excited to learn that I could relive those experiences with a mac emulator for the Pocket PC. I couldn't find a complete walkthrough, but after a little while of surfing, this is what I found out...

Getting Mini vMac for Windows Mobile 2003 to run on a pocket PC goes like this:

  • Go to Mini vMac for Windows Mobile 2003 and download Mac Plus 2.6.1 (F) binary (32 KB)
  • Go to MacPlus Antique System and download vmac.rom, System 6.0.8 - Finder 6.1.8., MacPaint 1.4 and MacDraw 1.9.5
  • Uncompress those files and put them all into the same folder and then copy that folder onto the memory card of your PDA

  • From the PDA, navigate to the file minivmac.exe and launch it
  • Once it launches, you'll see an icon of a disk with a question mark, at that point, hit the center button of your directional thingie on your PDA and a virtual keyboard will appear
  • Tap the key called Ctl and then tap the letter O key
  • A Dialog box will appear which will prompt you to open a disk image, you'll need to open the system disk called Disk608

  • Once your booted up, use the same method to insert the MacPaint or MacDraw disk you downloaded and start pixelating

  • Here are the key commands that you can use once in the emulator:

    'A' - About - version information
    'O' - Open Disk Image
    'Q' - Quit
    'L' - Limit Speed toggle
    'M' - Magnify toggle
    'F' - Full Screen toggle
    'K' - emulated 'control' Key toggle
    'R' - Reset
    'I' - Interrupt
    'H' - Help - show this message

    You should shut down the emulated machine before quitting to prevent corrupting the mounted disk image

    Quick Warning, I haven't quite figured out how to close thekeyboard once I'm done typing. If anyone knows, please leave me a comment.

    1 comment:

    TheTart said...

    Thx 4 the tips! Nifty pic. ; )

    The Tart